I'm still here. I went for a fill the end of October. 5 days later I went back for an unfill. 385.00 for the first visit. $365.00 for the unfill visit. I have insurance, but we have this stupid high deductible savings account plan. yeah.. not fun. And missing work to go get the unfill... its a half hour away. So.. I took all these things in to consideration and I made the decision to switch to a closer doctor. I loved my band surgeon, the office, everything, except the distance and the cost. But with rising gas prices, those things are becoming more important. I've been going to a Bariatric Support group thats run by the hospital in my town for the past 2 years. The nutrionist and the counselor both work for the surgeon that I've just switched to. I like their office so far. I saw him for the first time the end of February thinking I'd go in there and he'd give me a fill. He wouldn't touch my band without first doing a Barium Swallow, and was suprised to learn that I never had one following surgery to check the position of the Lapband. But I've asked around on message boards, and not all docs do them routinely following WLS. So I had it.. and it was cool to see my band and that its there doing what its supposed to do. I mentioned my left shoulder pain I get occasionally, and the radiologist showed me that my tubing touches my diaphragm, which is likely what causes that. Interesting. I am thankful it's rare that it hurts anymore, but occasionaly if I forget to eat and stomach acids start churning, I will get the pain. Ok.. so anyways.. I did eventually get a fill with the new doctor. Immediately my stomach gurgled when I drank water, but it went down okay, so he let me go. The first 5 days were okay.. I proceeded very cautiously. As I started to expand my food choices and resume trying to eat normally with my family I started noticing I was getting stuck. Often. Ok.. admittedly sometimes it was my fault(irish soda BREAD).. but sometimes I was genuinely following rules and doing everything I was supposed to and bam.. stuck. Stuck at home. Stuck at work. Stuck on yogurt. coffee. meats. salad. vitamins. And at work.. I played it safe and had soup for lunch not wanting to get stuck again at work.. and guess what? stuck on soup.. must have been tiny little bite of chicken or something.. I dont really know.. but I slimed for over an hour at work. How fun. So finally when I got stuck again at work and thought.. I just can't live like this anymore.. I called my new band doc and went right over to get an unfill. It is literally across the street from where I work. So back to the drawing board.. the elusive 'sweet spot' that I hear bandsters talk about seems to be beyond my reach. The good news is that I'm getting to the gym more often. The new job is finally calming down and I'm finding a gym routine that works. And I've learned to drink tea without sugar. That's all I got.. . Current weight: 167
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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