Good morning! Sitting here reading blogs and having my 1/2 cup of decaf coffee. I'm feeling sluggish and thinking after I drop kids at school I might sneak back to bed.. then again maybe I'll push myself and go hit the gym. I was in a foul mood yesterday and I realized it was because I missed my 7am Zumba class. Ry had to be @ school right in the middle of my class, so I wasn't able to go. I didn't realize how much it improves my day until yesterday. Soo.. although I feel tired right now.. I'm trying to rationalize with myself that I'll feel better afterwards if I go to the gym...
Still not weighing myself and I think it's actually working. I'm making better food choices and drinking my water. Usually I'd be looking for the payoff on the scale for these things or getting frustrated that my efforts seem fruitless. Being healthy isn't fruitless just because the scale doesn't move, and thats what I'm trying to teach myself. Life isnt all about the scale. My clothes are feeling looser.. I'm liking the me I see in the mirror, and THAT is far more important. I found a pair of jeans that I realy like too.. a nice comfy size 12. I can live with that. :)
I'm reading a book about emotional eating and I just am not convinced it fits me. I had a happy childhood, I don't feel like I have any deep dark issues that I've covered with food. I seem to just eat during any emotion and really like food, lol. I'll keep reading and doing the exercises they suggest to find the 'root' of my problems.. but.. hmm
We are going up to the lake this weekend for Easter and I'm excited. We are debating whether to take one car or 2. It's easier to take 2 cars, we each have a kid with us. But it's a long drive, and its more economical to squeeze into 1 car. I'll have to see how much Easter stuff I end up having to pack up for the weekend. I haven't even thought about dinner, but I will just shop when I get there. Luckily its just us this year, so no big fanfare. OK.. well that's about it on my end. I'm off to start my day. Thanks for reading..
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted by JennBand08 at 5:13 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I wish I could come on and say I haven't been posting because I'm doing fabulous and I'm at goal.. and blah blah blah. I'm not. I'm doing okay. I haven't given up. But I can't seem to get the scale to move no matter what I do. I work really hard for two weeks.. get on.. nothing. I get discouraged and slack off and eat junk food all week.. get on.. nothing. Which yeah, thank goodness I'm not gaining.. but its just frustrating having it not move at all. I'm at a good level of restriction with my band, any tighter and I wouldn't be able to even get a protein shake down in the morning. I get stuck about once a week from trying to eat something stupid, or just randomly. It seems to have sporatic tightness sometimes. So I've decided it is time to end my relationship with the scale for a while. I asked my daughter to hide it. gone. buh-bye. No more obsessing. No more weighing myself repeated times throughout the day. I'm going to just forget it for a month. Maybe longer if my clothes start feeling looser. I have the scale at the gym if I get desperate, but even that one I'm trying to avoid (and doing well at so far). Also.. I'm giving the Couch to 5K program another go. I was into it last summer and fell off the wagon when I started doing Zumba. But clearly the Zumba alone is not enough. So I've found a race on May 15th and I'm going to do it. I don't care whether I walk it or run it, I just want to finish it. I'm chugging through week 3. Hope you are all well... Thanks for reading!
Posted by JennBand08 at 6:19 AM 1 comments

Facing 40 with a Smile!