Okay.. not looking at the scale seemed to have helped. And quite a challenge I must say. I put a suitcase on the scale so I woudln't be tempted to just step on.. I didn't get on it all week and just tried to focus on getting enough water and protein and following the basic Lapband rules. And I got on Friday and was down 2 lbs.. I know how it fluctuates so I didn't get excited.. I got on the scale again today and the 2lbs are still gone.. So... I'm counting that! Yayy.. I'm so happy.. Wii fit showed it as a 4lb loss.. but I will go with my scale and accept the 2 pounds happily.
I'm putting away my summer clothes and it is odd to me to think that next summer alot of these clothes wont fit me. Alot of them already are too big. I'm excited to buy new clothes ofcourse, who doesn't love to go shopping. But I'm sad too as I really had alot of pretty clothes that I enjoyed wearing. I may have to learn to ebay again. I haven't ebayed in years and it seems like it has gotten so complicated now. That or start trying to find a consignment shop. I would like to know that someone is getting use out of the clothes I spent my hard earned money on!
Okay.. back to my closet.. Just had to share my good news.. 2 pounds!! woohoo.. 21 pound total loss now. :)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
2 lbs!
Posted by JennBand08 at 10:55 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Still here..
I'm still here.. still learning about this Lapband around my stomach. I can eat most everything so far, although a few times have worried I over did it. This weekend we went up to the Lake and had company with us all weekend. I was trying to not make a fuss and just eat what everyone was eating. I did fairly well. However on Saturday night I made Guacamole and was snacking away on that with tostito's while cooking dinner and realized that when dinner was ready.. I was already full! I ate one rib. And sat the rest of the night praying it wouldn't come back up. I took some papaya enzyme, and it seemed to help. Next morning I was fine and was able to eat regularly again. I don't think I lost any weight this weekend, but I have not gotten on the scale. I am trying so hard not to weigh myself. I want to base my success on how I feel, rather than a number. I did my Podrunner workout twice this weekend, once with my kids, which was fun. My 9 year old ran along next to me and had a great time, even if he couldn't hear the music, lol. What a trooper! I loved that I was being an "active fun mom" That meant more to me than any number on the scale. :)
Back at home tonight I came home from work and ate a small handfull of potato chips. I know thats not the end of the world, but I wish that I didn't crave salty carbo snacks so much. I guess on a positive note, I did eat some McD's french fries this weekend on the trip and then afterwards, sitting there thirsty as heck(since you you can't drink with meals) I realized that was a stupid move. The next time the family wanted fast eas McDonalds, I didn't have anything! I looked at the fries and thought.. nahhh not worth it. I do find that I am looking at food now and thinking about whether its worth it or not. I think thats normal from what other lapbanders have told me.
I have gotten better about getting my water in, but am still struggling to eat enough protein. Soo.. that's my goal. Talk to you later..Oh.. and welcome new readers. I've never had readers before.. how exciting. :)
Posted by JennBand08 at 7:04 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
1st Fill!
I went for my first fill yesterday.. I was expecting a bit of pain when they put the needle in.. I felt NOTHING. I looked down and there he was already removing/injecting saline.. I was so suprised. I told him I didn't even feel that, and he said.." no, I went in through your scar, which is usually numb." Wow.. how cool is that? So I have 3 cc's in my band. I totally forgot to ask how big of a band I have and feel like an idiot now that I don't even know this. I guess I'll call the office, I just hate to make them pull my chart and all, I worked in a Dr.'s office and know what a pain it can be sometimes finding charts. I'm on liquids for a couple days now and then back to mushies. I can definitely feel some tightness now on my stomach. Water goes down, but I do burp a few times. And this morning when I woke up I had a wierd feeling and coughed a few times. I hope I'm not too tight..
On the weight loss front I am still holding at 18 pounds. But I dropped a size. I'm trying not to focus on what the scale says and even asked my daughter to hide the scale for me. I want to focus on working out and eating right, regardless of the scale and its hold oveer me. Last night I did the first "couch to 5k" workout. Holy moly did it kick my ass.. I only did a half hour, I felt like I was gonna die! But I was running.. and surviving.. wow! I'm really proud of myself. I'm going to do it again today, or maybe I should just walk today. Either way, I will do something to move my body today. I need to jumpstart my metabolism.
have a great day!
Posted by JennBand08 at 7:20 AM 3 comments

Facing 40 with a Smile!