Okay.. plugging along on the pre op diet. I get 4 drinks and 2 protein type bars every day. Thats it, that's all my nutritional needs, pre packaged and oh-so-yummy. Well, let me just say.. GROSS. The French Vanilla optifast drinks remind me of baby formula. So today at walmart I was looking for Drink Mixes to add to water bottles.. I can't have Aspartame so I was checking out all the varieties with Splenda. And I found Splenda coffee additives.. in flavors like Hazelnut and Mocha.. I added them to my Optifast and guess what? YUM!!! I think I might just survive after all. whew. Tomorrow I will be driving in the car all day as we return home from our trip to Michigan. I'll have to remember to feed my kids.. LOL.
Less that 2 weeks away...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Pre Op Diet
Posted by JennBand08 at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Pre Op Visit
I had my pre op visit today. When I got there she had a bunch of paperwork for me to fill out. So I take my clipboard and go sit down.. and OhMyGosh.. it was a QUIZ!! All about Lapband do's and don'ts. And some were fill in the blank, I couldn't even guess by multiple choice! At first I panicked and thought about how long it had been since I read the pamphlet and did the interactive Emmi program online. But once I started reading the questions, the answers started coming back to me. I turned it in and then sat there hoping I did okay.. finally the nurse called me and we went to an exam room and we went over everything. Whew.. I passed, LOL. Then Dr. Floch came in and we had a nice long chat about all of my fears/concerns. He was patient and listened and said what I am feeling is normal, and that he didn't want me to feel like he or his staff was trying to 'talk me into' anything, and if I wanted to wait or not proceed it was absolutely fine. But he went over my whole chart and showed me my bloodwork and how I was borderline diabetic. And he reviewed the 5 page questionaire I filled out 5 months ago before my first consult. He said, "it looked to me like you were ready, you sailed through all your testing (upper GI, etc.) and were very eager. A little bit of cold feet now is normal, I don't want anyone to convince you that simply being nervous is reason enough to NOT have the surgery, anymore than I want to try to convince you that you SHOULD have it." He told me to sit alone, and really think about it and make my decision, and then try to feel comfortable in that decision. It did help. I was once again able to see the positives and feel the excitement of all of this. I just know if I don't do this.. and I fail @ weight loss yet again.. and then if my insurance won't pay.. I'd feel just awful that I didn't take the this wonderful opportunity when I had the chance.
Posted by JennBand08 at 8:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Less than a month.
Less than a month now before I am banded. My surgery date is scheduled for 9/4/08. I've been watching alot of you tube videos from people that were banded. Some of them are so focused on food, and what can I eat, and what gets stuck. I am nervous about this part. If I was good and planning meals ahead and being careful about what I eat, I wouldn't be as overweight as I am now. My husband has also expressed concern that this isn't something he thinks I can do. Ouch. I know he is just worried about me, but I need him to support me and have faith in me. Although, that has never been his strong suit, so I really should not be expecting sudden miracles NOW. Anyways.. I just have doubts. I see the surgeon next week for my pre-op and will definitely talk to him about my concerns. I've joined a gym, omitted soda, and have lost 12 lbs in the last 6 weeks. Yayy.. but part of me wonders if I should just keep going on my own.. but the other part knows I will still struggle to keep it off even if I do lose weight. I've never lost more than 20 lbs in my life. 10-15 is my max and then I just seem to plateau and get frustrated and eventually just put it all back on.
The other thing I worry about is being obsessed with losing weight fast. Some people seem disappointed by 2 lb weight loss/week. I am fine with that amount, thrilled even. I don't want to get overly focused on large amounts of weight lost.
Just some ramblings I needed to get out of my system.. that's all for now.
Posted by JennBand08 at 6:36 AM 1 comments

Facing 40 with a Smile!